留学先は日本のみならず、アメリカ・イギリス・フランス・ブラジル等さまざまですが、留学生の約半分は日本で学んでいます。今回は、カメルーン出身のMahamat Monsour(マハマット・モンスール)さんをご紹介。マハマットさんは現在、あしなが心塾からJASSO日本語学校に通っている学生で、国内大学への進学を目指して勉強中です。12,000km以上離れたアフリカからなにを学びに日本へきたのでしょうか?

静かです。私が住んでいた所は道路の近くだったので自動車の音でうるさかったです。塾は森の中のように虫と鳥の鳴き声しか聞こえません。 そして、人が親切です。いつも気を使う方や、恥ずかしがりな人が多いと思います。日本の社会というか、東京の社会は寂しさを感じますが、そんな寂しさの中で幸せな人たちに出会うことがあります。例えば、一緒に歩いている親子や、学校に向かっている子どもたちが楽しそうにしているのを道で見かける時に、そう感じることができます。
技術革命!テクノロジーの新時代は皆のために作られたテクノロジーでなければと思います。 特に環境に悪くない技術を作りたいです。私たちが今持っているテクノロジーは環境を破壊していると思います。私たちは創造を続け、十分なリサイクルを行っていないのです。人々が本当に必要とする技術をもっと考えないといけないです。テクノロジーはお金持ちのためだけのものではありません。技術を使って困っている人を助けたいと思います。
How is it in Japan?
Quiet. The place I used to live at was near a road, so it was noisy with the sound of cars and ambulances whizzing by. The Juku is like a forest, and all you can hear are insects and birds singing.
The people here are kind, too. I think people are always careful and shy. Japanese society, or rather Tokyo society, feels lonely, but I sometimes meet happy people in the midst of such loneliness. For example, I can feel this when I see parents and children walking together or children on the street looking happy as they head to school.
How is life at the Juku?
It is quiet but fun. I have gotten used to it a lot. Thanks to the fact that I can talk to different people every time I have dinner in the cafeteria, I have encountered many interesting things and it has been a wonderful experience.
What are you working hard on right now?
I am studying for exams so that I can enter a good university. I want to enter a national university in Japan. I want to study technology at a university.
What is your kokorozashi?
Technological revolution! I believe that the new era of technology should be technology made for everyone. I especially want to create technology that is not bad for the environment. I think the technology we have now is destroying the environment. We keep creating and not recycling enough. We need to think more about the technology that people really need. Technology is not just for the rich. I want to use technology to help people in need.
Is there anything you would like to achieve while you are in Japan?
I want to improve my Japanese! I want to interact effectively to meet various people. I would like to find out what is good and bad in various cultures. I also want to know what is important for each culture. Above all, I want to become a person who cares about the people around me!